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A Heartwarming Testimonial: A 5-Year-Old Boy with Autism 

Energy Medicine is often considered the medicine of the future, and that future is already here. Here's a touching story from our Dallas, TX location—just one of thousands we've received over the past eight years. 

At the beginning of his journey with us, this 5-year-old boy could say individual words but struggled to form complete sentences. He rarely responded to questions, and although he was always loving, he often seemed to live in his own world, showing limited interest in interacting with people outside of his family. 

During his first visit, he was full of energy, running up and down the halls of the office building. Inside the office, his parents occasionally had to restrain him, as he wanted to touch and explore everything around him. For his first session in the Harmonic Egg, he sat on his mother's lap—quite a feat since he was a tall, big 5-year-old. 

Remarkably, the next morning, there were signs of progress. He spoke his first full sentence to his dad, saying, “It’s about time and space,” right after his session in the Harmonic Egg. 

Given his energetic nature, we decided to conduct his future sessions remotely. Remote sessions have been highly effective, much like sending a prayer or intention. Everything is energy, and when we set our intentions with the client and/or their parents (as the saying goes, "where two or more are gathered..."), we often see incredible results. 

To date, he has had 14 sessions. His mom never tells him when a session is scheduled but always ensures he stays well-hydrated. Here are some of the significant milestones and their approximate timings: 

  • Session 3: His mother noticed a dramatic increase in his joy and happiness. 

  • Session 5: He began to explore his surroundings with newfound curiosity, as if emerging from a cocoon. He also started to show signs of empathy toward others. 

  • Session 7: He started telling others his name and addressing his teachers and peers by their names. 

  • Session 10: After an incident where he bit himself and a teacher, his parents asked for help with this issue. We set the intention to lift his frustration during the next session. Following this, he never bit a teacher again and stopped biting himself within two weeks. His language skills continued to develop. 

  • Session 13: While playing with his dad, he repeatedly said, "Powerful Egg." 

  • Session 14: His father asked us to address his frustration during diaper changes. At school, he would become upset and silent after being placed on a changing table. He also showed similar behavior when frustrated by other situations. 

Inspired by Suzy Miller’s book, Awesomism: A New Way to Understand Autism, we understood that the boy was telepathic. During his remote sessions, we communicated with him more directly, explaining that he could express his needs, like asking to use the toilet or saying “No” when he didn’t want something. After conveying this intention through the Harmonic Egg, we saw impressive results. 

A week later, his mother reported a breakthrough: her son had been talking almost non-stop, saying “No” clearly, and even expressing his preferences, such as “I don’t want potato chips; I want pretzels.” His school also noted significant progress. We are hopeful that with a few more sessions, he will make further strides in potty training! 

For those interested, one of our recommended music selections for Autism and relaxation is "Kid’s Sanctuary." You can explore all our music offerings and learn more about the science behind the Harmonic Egg at our website: and read more about the science of energy medicine, sound, and light therapies here

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